Friday, March 8, 2013

Porcelain - Poem

A porcelain doll of such perfection
how they love your skin so fair
and the depths of your dark eyes
and your long and flowing hair
What an adored, beautiful angel
truly the perfect porcelain doll
but on the inside you are hollow
there is not beauty there at all
A porcelain doll of imperfection
with beauty that lies skin deep
their adoration of you is a misconception
a tragedy for which I weep
For I know that you are no angel
that you have fallen far from grace
you are just another devil in disguise
with a perfect porcelain face
And when that porcelain shatters
still they will not see
all the cracks in your character
that are very plain to me
You are their perfect porcelain goddes
their ever radiant porcelain queen
they will forever worship the mirage of you
never seeing the truth that I have seen

- Mandi Lynn © 2012

1 comment:

  1. Kind of a sad poem. The perfect image we project is destined to crack like your porcelain doll. Thanks for sharing!
