Friday, March 8, 2013

Who Are You?

          "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."
          - Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday To You!

          When I was little, my mom used to have this joke going where she would say to me, "If I am me, and you are you, who are you?" and of course I would answer, "Me!" for which she would reply, "No, I am me, and you are you, so who are you?" and then I would say, "You!" and she would repeat the last phrase over again. It was a cute little joke I'm sure she picked up from somewhere and I would laugh afterwards and go and share it with someone else. The memory brings a warm little smile to my face thinking about simpler times when it didn't matter that I didn't know exactly who I was. Now, many years later, I'm still not really sure and I find that it's becoming an issue. 

          "Who are you?" I whisper to myself as I look despairingly into the mirror. Sure, there are plenty of labels that I could associate with myself, probably even a few rather unkind ones. But are those labels the sum of who I am? If so, I might be in trouble. "Who are you?" Regardless of what answer I could sum up for myself, the truth of it is I am not who I want to be.

          I've been doing some soul searching and thinking about what kind of fingerprint that I want to leave on this world after I'm gone and I am going to strive to become the person that leaves such a print. The problem is that I've spent twenty plus years becoming the person that I am today and so it is probably going to take a bit of time to become the more mature, more understanding, and more affectionate person that I want to be. And I hope that the past of who I have been will not constrain me from reaching the brighter, more beautiful future that I now seek. I'm quick to forgive, but I am not always quick to be forgiven. May those who know me for who I was not let the sum of my past mistakes keep them from seeing who I am and who I am yet capable of becoming. As I like to say, there is beauty in even the most unlikely of things when you look deep enough.

          "Who am I?" I am a work in progress, full of great potential wanting to burst free. I am someone with a mind capable of acheiving great knowledge, a heart capable of feeling great love, a mouth capable of bringing forth powerful words, and two hands capable of helping myself and others equally. With my ears I will listen, with my eyes I will see, and with my soul I will come to great understanding. You see, I am someone who wants to leave a positive impression everywhere I go and on everyone I meet; someone who is finding their voice and taking all of the small steps that make the biggest of differences in the most hopeless of places. And now that I have found out who I am, I wish to ask you one thing - "If I am me, and you are you, who are you?"


  1. Mandi Lynn, very nice first post! I love Dr Seuss! (Which Who doesn't?) I've shared it with my circles! I love the idea of using an epigram! It is good for Google to find too, if someone searches for that phrase. Do you know that Google likes posts at least 500 words long? I didn't until awhile ago. Congratulation on your first post!

  2. Oh, no I didn't know that, thank you for telling me! I'm glad that you liked my post; it was just something I woke up thinking about today. Also thank you for sharing it with your circles, I hope it gives people something to think about. :)
